Scriptures and Sermons
We are currently not gathering for in-person worship. Instead, At-Home Worship Kits are available for each Sunday morning service. In addition, you can find videos with the scripture and sermons for those services below.
Join Pastor Marianne in her last sermon as she discusses endings and beginnings.
*The recording did not start until after the introduction.
A Church on Fire
Join Pastor Marianne as she looks at the story of the birth of the church on Pentecost and applies it today’s world.
Suffering with Christ
Join Pastor Marianne as she looks at Wesley’s three simple rules and how they apply to suffering and faith in the midst of COVID-19.
Wash Your Hands
Join Pastor Marianne as she looks at our understanding of baptism and how we can remember God’s grace in the midst of COVID-19.
Living Stones
Join Pastor Jeff has he discusses how we can be living stones in God’s temple.
The first Sunday of the month we meet for Zoom worship with communion. Here is the sermon, focusing on 1 Peter 2:19-25 (not read in the video).
Deeply and Earnestly
Join Pastor Marianne this week as she continues our discussion of 1 Peter and looking at why and how we can continue to share the love of God with those around us in this time.
Trust in Resurrection
This week continues the season of Eastertide. Join Pastor Jeff as he begins our study of 1 Peter with a look at our own experience of faith, and that of the early Christians. *During Eastertide, we are sharing worship experiences with the Willmar UMC. Pastors Marianne and Jeff will be alternating preaching during this time.
Easter Sunday, we met for a Zoom worship service. If you missed joining us live, here’s a link to a video of the sermon. The scripture text (not read on the video) is John 20:1-18.
All Are Welcome
Everyone is welcome in Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. Join Pastor Marianne as she looks at finding the good in our neighbors, even during a pandemic.
We all experience negative times. Join Pastor Marianne as she looks at understanding that our negative emotions are welcome, but also the importance of forgiveness in the midst of hurt and pain.
Difficult Times
This Holy Week is going to look different than the comforting rituals of the past. Join Pastor Marianne as she looks at remembering that we matter to God even in the midst of difficult times.